- Course creator: Flavia Aurelia Hidajat UNJ
- Enrolled students: 36
The competencies that will be achieved in many variable calculus courses are the ability to formulate concepts and theories about rows, series, vectors, limits, contemporary derivatives, and integral functions of vector value and apply them to mathematics and other fields of science.
This course discusses the concepts and theories about the rows of real and convergent numbers, numbers and convergence tests, rank and convergence series, Taylor and mac-laurin, vectors in R2 and R3, operations and vector operations in R2 and R3, vector fields, divergence and curl, limits and contributions of vector value, derivatives and integral functions of vector value, scalar field, directed gradient and descent, integral lines in R2 and R3, green theorem, surface integral, gauss divergence theorem, and theorem strokes.
- Course creator: Flavia Aurelia Hidajat UNJ
- Enrolled students: 36