Indexed Scientific Article Writing
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Producing solutions to the problems of writing indexed scientific articles in environmental of education based on pedagogical theory, literacy, information technology through scientific methods with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach based on academic values, norms, and ethics; Producing scientific articles indexed based on pedagogical theory, literacy, the benefits of information technology in environmental of education to produce solutions for improving the quality of life in society, nation, and state through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; Produce scientific articles indexed from logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the field of environmental of education based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics to improve the basic education profession which has social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment; Produce solutions to the problems of writing scientific articles indexed in environmental of education that are relevant to the needs of environmental of education development through tested and novel research at the national level; Producing innovative scientific articles by applying didactic pedagogical concepts and principles in environmental of education by utilizing the science and technology-oriented to life skills and contributing to improving the quality of social life; Produce teachers with the ability to write scientific articles indexed as a form of continuing professionalism in the field of Basic.

Mahasiswa Magister Manajemen Pendidikan sekalian, selamat jumpa dalam Mata Kuliah Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Terindeks. Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk membimbing Anda dalam merancang, menulis dan mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah ke jurnal terindeks, dalam hal ini minimal terindeks scopus. Untuk mengikuti mata kuliah ini, disarankan Anda telah memiliki bahan artikel yang akan dipublikasikan. Sehingga mata kuliah ini lebih bersifat bimbingan teknis dengan lebih menekankan pada pendekatan kasus (case-based teaching method). Selamat bergabung dan belajar bersama disini.


  • Prof. Dr. Sarkadi, M.Pd.
  • Dr. Uwes Anis Chaeruman, M.Pd.
  • Dr. Mutia Delina, Ph.D.
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