Systems Thinking in Educational Management-NR

Systems Thinking in Educational Management aims to Generate new knowledge from various ep cases and education system management approaches; produce research design model of education system management through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approach; through the implementation of seminars, conferences, workshops, symposiums and other scientific activities involving partners at home and abroad; Produce concepts of change and innovation in the management of education systems in accordance with the development of science and cutting-edge technology based on knowledge management; Able to produce decision-making models in the field of education system management; Able to produce logical thinking, critical ideas, argumentative, and solution to the latest problems and issues of education in the perspective of education system management relevance to the industrial revolution 4.0 and education of the 21st century; Able to develop new concepts, theories, and models of education system management that can be used by education leaders and managers, researchers and education management consultants; Produce a system management model with the need and can design and plan the management of innovative education systems in accordance with national and international needs; Providing solutions to education management problems through inter, multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary approaches by constructing research topics according to the roadmap of research areas specifically on education management; Produce creative, original and tested work that is beneficial for human benefit; Produce be recognized nationally and internationally with quantitative and qualitative research paradigms of various types, and mix Methods, policy research and evaluative research so as to analyze the state of the art in accordance with the roadmap of education.