- Pembuat kursus: Nurbaity,M.Hum FBS UNJ
- Pelajar terdaftar: 27
This course introduces various concepts and theories of literary criticism which include Neo-Marxism, Poststructuralism, Postcolonialism, Feminism, and Postmodernism. Students discuss literary works in the form of short stories, poetry, novels and plays based on the appropriate related concepts and literary theories as above, using student-centered learning methods, through case-based learning and project-based learning. This learning method is applied to realize the profile of graduates of the English Literature Study Program who intended to have 21st century competencies, namely being able to think critically, and creatively, be communicative, be collaborative and have problem solving skills.
- Pembuat kursus: Nurbaity,M.Hum FBS UNJ
- Pelajar terdaftar: 27