Indexed Scientific Article Writing for Doctoral Program
Learning outcomes
1. Students are able to analyse state of the art of physical education in a matter of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary.
2. Students are able to select and develop research topics that are original or have a novelty from the state of the art analysis of physical education in an matter of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary.
3. Students are able to construct research topics according to the roadmap for physical education areas by constructing research topics that have originality or novelty.
4. Students are able to construct specific research topics based on identification, description, analysis and synthesis of various contemporary articles as primary sources from various highly reputable international journals.
5. Students are able to maintain and responsible for academically that the selected topic can solve contemporary research issues in the field of expertise of physical education
6. Students are able to defend strong arguments that the chosen topic has benefit for others, and get national and international recognition.
7. Students are able to lead and manage the research of physical education and publish it so that it gets national, international recognition and makes a real contribution in the field of Educational Evaluation and Research, especially the specific topics that are seeded.
Subject aims/Content
· Students are able to select research topics that are original or have a novelty from the state of the art analysis of physical education in an matter of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdiciplinary
· Students are able to construct research topics according to the research roadmap
· Students are able to analyze state of the art of physical education in a matter of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdiciplinary.
· Students are able to present selected topics according to contemporary research topics in the field of physical education.
· Students are able to publish the research to indexed Scientific Journals, so that they get national, international recognition and make a real contribution to the field of educational evaluation and research
· Bernard, Russell (2013) Social Research Methods,McGraw Hill.
· Aaker, David A, (2011), Marketing Research, WILEY.
· Burns, Alvin C, & Ronald F Bush (2010). Marketing Research, Pearson.
· Gall, J & Borg (2003), Educational Research, Boston, Cat. The pub.
· Creswell, John W. (2012). Educational Research, PEARSON.
· Cresswell, John W (2014), Research Design, SAGE.
· Fraenkel, Jack. R., Norman E. Wallen, Helen H. Hyun (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, New York: McGraw-Hill.
· Gravetter, F.J. and Lorri-Ann B. Forzano (2016). Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, CENCAGE-Learning.
· Haas, Peter J. And J. Fred Springer (1998). Applied Policy Research, Garland Pub.Co. Hair, Joseph F. (2010) Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective, Pearson.
· Kline, Rex B. (2016) Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, New York: Guilford Press.
· Lancaster, Geoff (2005). Research Methods in Management, ELSEVIER.
· Leary, Mark (2012). Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods, Pearson.
· Malhotra, Naresh K. (2010), Marketing Research: an applied orientation, PEARSON.
· McDaniel, Carl & Roger Gates (2013), Marketing Research, John Wiley & sons.
· McMillan, James H. (2012). Educational Research, PEARSON.
· Neuman, W. Lawrence (2012). Basics of Social Research, Pearson.
· Putrawan, I Made (2019) Hypothesis Testing in Researches, 3rd Printing, Bandung: Alfabeta.
· Salkind, Neil J. (2012). Exploring Research, Pearson.
· Now, Uma & Roger Bougie (2010), Research Methods for Business, John Wiley & Sons.
· Shaughnessy, John J., (2015). Research Methods in Psychology, New York: McGraw- Hill.
· Zikmund & Bogie (2010), Business Research Methods, Int. Ed. Pearson Biology of Sport. ISSN : 0860021X.
· Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. ISSN : 15502783.
· Journal of Athletic Training. ISSN : 10626050, 1938162X.
· Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. ISSN : 16512081, 16501977.
· Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. ISSN : 13032968.
· Journal of Human Kinetics. ISSN : 16405544, 18997562.
· Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. ISSN : 1728869X.
· Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. ISSN : 19885202. Kinesiology. ISSN : 13311441.